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I got the bearings for the bogies on the Heisler at work the other day. I might need to stop getting stuff delivered here, some people are starting to look funny at me.
And here's a comparison to the axles that we've bought. There's a bit of material to take off so I'm glad for the CNC's to run automatically.
Hopefully I can get the G-Code written by the end of the week and start machining this weekend.

On the BeBoPr front; I have got the bridges and the components to assemble them. However when I look at the Element 14 webpage I see that I need to call to get the availability for the BeBoPr's themselves. I called and they'll be in the UK around the 16th so I should see them near the end of September. At the rate these are going I might have the new hardware running by early next year.


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