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Well I finally bit the bullet and did what I've been threatening to do for a while. I bought a keg, beer tap and gas for dispensing.
That's right, I've turned this:
Into this:
It's nearly time to tap this newfound resource.

I bought the kit from the local homebrew store. The install was quite simple. I decided to put the CO2 bottle inside the fridge. This means that I only needed to drill one hole in the door.

If I needed to put a hole in the side to put the CO2 bottle externally I run the risk of drilling through one of the refrigeration lines which would the release the magic (possibly toxic) smoke and the won't work very well after that. If I were drilling through the side, and if I end up putting the bottle outside the fridge then I will do it outside with good ventilation. This will ensure that if I do bust a line then it will be as safe as possible.

AS it was I only put a hole through the middle of the door which on this fridge was just a layer of sheet metal, a lot of foam, then the internal plastic liner. I just cut this with a cheap multi size hole saw from the hardware store for $5 or so. I did work, but I got a bit impatient and got the tool a little hot. I also wasn't quite straight, this meant that the saw broke through on one side and started biting. At this point I could just bend the plug out with a screwdriver and a pair of pliers.

I then went to the inside and drilling through the centre drill hole from the outside. I could drill quite easily through the plastic on the inside and shortly had a hole on either side and a bunch of foam on the inside. To remove this I shoved a knife through the foam and cut around the outside of the hole using the two holes I drilled as guides. This allowed me to just push through the remainder of the foam to have a clear hole.

Then it was just a case of connecting everything together with the supplied hoses and clips. This was fairly easy, except for forgetting to put the threaded collar for the beer line onto the line for it. A simple fix though, take off the fitting, put the collar on, then put the line back on again.

After this was all sorted I set up the fermentation vessel to make some beer to put into the keg. After all not much point having a tap without beer.

This was done with the help of +Nathan O'Regan who made the process a whole lot more fun.

If you have any experience with homebrew or kegging, please share with us so we can all learn from your experience.


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