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So just before I went away last week sailing I bought myself another project. I have bought myself an old Series 2A Land Rover. It has one of the original 2.25 Litre 4 Cylinder Petrol engines. It does run, however a lot of water leaks from the weep hole on the water pump. More like a stream than a leak. So that's the first thing I'm fixing.

Here are some photos I've taken when I brought it home, then some from a couple of days ago when I was playing with the rear door.

I currently have frames with glass for both windows, however they have rusted pretty badly so they will probably need to be replaced before I put this on the road.

I am keeping a list of what I need to do, Need to buy and what I have bought on this page. Which you can also access from the sidebar on the left hand side of the page.

I'll have some pics of the waterpump install to go up in the next couple of days.


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